Community News

MCPTT Conformance Testing

Mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) conformance testing using TTCN-3 have been successfully applied. Further details have been published here.

TTCN-3 webinars

Please consider to attend the two upcoming TTCN-3 webinars, October 6th and 9th, presented by members of the ETSI Testing Task Force T003. Details and registration are available here.

After the webinars the presentations will also be available here.

ETSI TTF_T003 started

The ETSI Testing Task Force (TTF) T003 evolution team started a new working session this week. You are invited to report your observations and improvements regarding TTCN-3 standards to the group using ETSI's Bug Tracker.

Further details about the working team and ToR can be retrieved from or the T003 presentation page (in preparation).

TTCN-3 edition 2020 published

Final drafts of the TTCN-3 edition 2020 have been approved in April and published in May 2020. You have access and may read the documents via the ETSI Search & Browse webpage and/or the updated TTCN-3 quick reference card. Some of the new improvements are given in the following:

Support for TTCN-3 core language

  • @nodefault alt statements
  • New template-kind-cast operators omit() and present()
  • Formal parameters of type ‘any’ for external functions
    • Type ‘any’ in general for non-standard-conform TTCN-3
  • Map types
  • @abstract templates
  • Improvement for generic external functions (with generic result)

Support for object-oriented package

  • Implicit constructors
  • Mixed classes
  • Nested classes
  • Generic classes

Support for advanced parameterization

  • Nested type expressions as generic actual parameters

TTCN-3 Conformance ATS 2020

ETSI TC Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS) published the latest version of its TTCN-3 Conformance Test Suite. You may access the documents and the TTCN-3 test cases via the TTCN-3 Conformance Test Suites webpage.

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