TTCN-3 version 4.9.1 online

TTCN-3 version 4.9.1 online

ETSI published the TTCN-3 updated standards (2017 edition), you may also access the actual documents using the updated TTCN-3 Quick reference card.

The following provides a short list of innovations regarding the version 4.9.1 of the core language in ETSI ES 201 873-1:

  • multiple encoding support for TTCN-3 types, which includes the following components
    • several encoding rules can be associated to a type and change at places where the type is used in other type definitions
    • associating different sets of encode variant rules to the different encodings
    • dynamic control of the encoding rule to be used with encvalue and decvalue built-in functions
    • semi-dynamic control of the encoding rule to be used with a the validity of a single port, all ports or the component
  • optional default type for user-defined union data types
  • external functions now may return data of a template type
  • new predefined functions for encoding/decoding of octetstrings
  • the possibility to retrieve attribute values from types or template instances

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