Created on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 / Community News
The latest ETSI User Conference in Advanced Automated Testing was successfully held in Munich from 16 to 18 of September. UCAAT 2014 attracted 151 guests from 22 countries. Participants came from ...
Created on Monday, 17 March 2014 / Community News
Tags: ETSI, SVN, source, development
TTCN-3 users now can access TTCN-3 code of several ETSI specifications and libraries directly from the new WebSVN server.
Created on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 / Community News
Tags: UCAAT, ETSI, Smartesting, ALL4TEC
ETSI – The European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Smartesting and  ALL4TEC  are jointly organizing this international conference dedicated to test automation which focuses this year ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibCommon, library, ETSI
LibCommon v.1.4.0 These TTCN-3 modules attempt to collect interface or application independent TTCN-3 definitions, i.e., definitions that could be potentially ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibIms, IMS, library, ETSI
  LibIms v3.0 LibIms is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions extending LibSip to cover IMS specific aspects as defined in: - 3GPP ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibIPv6, IPv6, library, ETSI
... base and specific IPv6 templates and functionality for sending and receiving IPv6 messages. LibIPv6 is a snapshot from 2007/2008. LibIPv6 is made up of TTCN-3 modules for the following RFCs: RFC ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibITS, ITS, Intelligent Transport Systems, ETSI, library
  LibITS v1.2   LibITS is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions including base ITS templates and functionality for IUT configuration, ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: ETSI, SIP, LibSIP, library
LibSip v3.0 LibSip is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions related to SIP standards including type definitions for SIP base RFC ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibDiameter, Diameter, library, ETSI
LibDiameter LibDiameter is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions including type definitions, templates and functions for sending and receiving DIAMETER ...
Created on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 / static-page
Tags: ETSI, naming
TTCN-3 can be considered a programming language where users should consider best programming practices when developing code. The selection of common naming conventions for identifiers are for example ...
Created on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 / ETSI Test Suites
Tags: WiMax, test suite, ETSI
This standardized conformance test suite has been written at ETSI. TS 102 545 HiperMAN; Conformance Testing for WiMAX/HiperMAN 1.3.1  ...
Created on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 / ETSI Test Suites
Tags: Session Initiation Protocol, SIP, test suite, ETSI
This standardized conformance test suite has been written at ETSI. This test suite has been validated by industry. TS 102 027 Conformance Test ...
Created on Monday, 22 October 2012 / static-page
... the initiative comprises eight of the world's leading ICT standards bodies, six global fora and SDOs, over 200 companies from all industrial sectors. Within oneM2M TTCN-3 is used to specify conformance ...

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