Intelligent Transport System

Created on Friday, 24 January 2014 / Community News
Tags: Intelligent Transport System, ITS, Plugtests
A TTCN-3 Conformance Validation Framework, containing more than 200 test cases, was successfully used during the last Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Plugtests in Essen, Germany (25-29 November 2013). ...
Created on Friday, 14 December 2012 / Libraries
Tags: LibITS, ITS, Intelligent Transport Systems, ETSI, library
  LibITS v1.2   LibITS is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions including base ITS templates and functionality for IUT configuration, ...
Created on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 / ETSI Test Suites
Tags: Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS, CAM, DENM, BTP, geonetworking, FSAP, FNTP, security, test suite
 This section compiles the different ITS test suites that allow running conformance tests against ITS equipment and assess its level of compliance to the ITS standards.  ...

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