Community News

New Sublime Text 3 plugin: TtcnComplete

A new Sublime Text 3 plugin offers auto-completion, goto definition and syntax highlight for TTCN-3 and ASN.1. It's still under development, more feature will be added. It's free for use. You may find the Github link in the list of Editor extensions.

UCAAT 2016 Call for Presentations

Please consider to contribute to UCAAT 2016 in Budapest, Hungary. The conference is a great opportunity to meet testing experts from industry and academia in multiple domains. Learn more...

New TTCN-3 test suite for GTPv2-C

ETSI has published a new TTCN-3 test suite for the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP): GTPv2-C Conformance Testing for S11 Interface. You may download the standardized documents and access the TTCN-3 source code via WEBSVN.

TTCN-3 Conformance Test Suites updated

The TTCN-3 Conformance Test Suites for the TTCN-3 part 1 (core language V4.7.1) and part 9 (XML schema V4.6.1) have been updated according to the latest version of the TTCN-3 standard. You may access the published documents and the related TTCN-3 code repository from the "Downloads" section.

Titan open sourcing has been completed

The source code of Titan Eclipse plugins, after being migrated to ANTLR 4, has also been released in github, together with a number of new test ports and protocol modules. Jointly with submitting Titan command line components to open source last year, the open sourcing project of Titan can be considered completed.

The protocol tool-box at the moment consists of 17 test ports and 33 protocol modules with  different encodings and a library of external functions.
Eclipse Core github link: see
Eclipse plugins github link:
The Eclipse plugins installable archive package can be downloaded from (a zipped update site; Eclipse can install the plugins directly from it when selecting the downloaded file as an archive repository in Eclipse's Install New Software menu; it contains all external dependencies of the plug-ins not available in Eclipse directly, i.e. not part of an Orbit package).

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