Created on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 / ETSI Test Suites
Tags: ePassport, Interoperability, test suite, TC MTS
... Readers project, ETSI TC MTS published a report on ePassport Readers Interoperability Support; Framework for Developing Conformance Test Specifications TR 103 200. This deliverable contains an extended ...
Created on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 / ETSI Test Suites
Tags: IPv6, test suite, TC MTS, IPv6 Transitioning
ETSI TC MTS has been working on a number of conformance test suites for IPv6 testing, i.e., Core, Mobility, Security, and IPv4to6 Transitioning. These standardized IPv6 TTCN-3 test suites have been ...
Created on Tuesday, 06 November 2012 / static-page
Tags: CR, mantis, TC MTS, bug, change request
Change Requests (CRs) for any part of the TTCN-3 Standards are managed by a TTCN-3 maintenance/evolution group which is part of ETSI's MTS technical committee (TC-MTS). Rules TTCN-3 CRs ...

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